Everything You Need To Know

Everything to Know Ahead of Your Engagement Session
First of all, congratulations! Getting engaged and celebrating your relationship is incredible! Planning an engagement session can be daunting if you don't know what to expect or lack experience in front of the camera. Let's start by stating what you might not have thought of yet, and that's that this is an excellent opportunity to have professional photographs taken prior to the wedding. Additionally, having photos of you that reflect who you are as a couple outside of your wedding day is so special! These photos will become a commemoration of your relationship, not only for yourselves, but as a way to convey your personalities and love for each other.

When it comes to deciding on a location, forget about "concepts" you saw on Pinterest, instead, consider who you are as a couple and how the environment you're in will affect the way you interact with each other you want these photos to reflect WHO you are. Think also about the style that suits your personalities best. Other things to consider are the uses you’ll have for these photos: from invitations, social media to wall art you can display in your home.
So have yourselves a little dinner or wine date to go over your style as well as your hobbies in order to narrow down ideas.

I won't lie... What you wear in these pictures does matter, and will matter five years, ten years, thirty years from now. Everyone has a personal style, and I encourage my couples to first and foremost be themselves. However, my advice is to lean closer to classic styles, rather than trends.
You'll want to make sure your outfits are in harmony with each other; to seem as if you are both coordinating for the same occasion; one shouldn't be formal while the other is casual. You don't want to match like twins, but colors should compliment each other. If you're not good with color palettes consider a neutral color scheme. Stay away from any distracting/overpowering graphics or patterns. Keep into consideration your session's location as well as personal aesthetics.

If you’re lucky to be working with a Photoshop savvy photographer, this isn’t a huge concern *ahem*. If you’re not confident doing your hair and makeup, this might be an excuse to invest in letting someone else take care of that for you. This can create a full/fun experience out of the day. Just remember to keep it natural. Stylists tend to over style, and this isn't a pageant! Hahaha.
Manicures are a good idea, as your hands will likely be prevalent in specific poses to show off your ring. Men with beards don’t necessarily need to shave, but I suggest personal grooming to tidy it up or a visit to a barbershop to clean up facial hair, and maybe considering getting a haircut.

I suggest bringing a tote/light bag to cary all your belongings (phones, keys, wallets, etc..) which you can leave in the car or ask the photographer to carry for you. Bring essentials for any necessary touch-ups: makeup, wipes, powder, lipstick, hairbrush, etc. If you have chosen a location that requires hiking or walking over a distance, consider comfortable shoes to walk in.
Don't bring a friend, bridesmaid, mom etc... this session is about you two; having people who know you can make you self-aware. *Unless you're bringing pets with you, in which case you should have a friend there who can take care of them while their parents take solos 😉

More crucial pieces of advice to take away from this article:
A good photographer is friendly, will make you feel comfortable in front of a camera, give you direction, and help you throughout the process. Talk to your partner about the session as well. Make sure you’re both approaching it with the same level of enthusiasm. No matter what location you choose, treat this as you would a fun date. Make a day out of it; make plans to celebrate afterward, have fun!
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